2018年10月21日, 英国哈德斯菲尔德大学艺术与传播学院院长唐纳德·菲兹帕特里克(Donal Fitzpatrick)来8188www威尼斯交流访问,期间举办讲座及个人作品展览。讲座中介绍了哈德斯菲尔德大学教学形态,学生创作及与我校本科和研究生合作项目;同时在个人展览中向8188www威尼斯捐赠三副作品。




他是一位实践派的视觉艺术家和作家,拥有美术硕士学位,荣誉哲学学位和博士学位。 他曾在电影,广告和出版物等这些特别项目中担任艺术家,插画家和创意作家。他曾是《西澳大利亚日报》的艺术评论家。 他的创造性视觉研究关注的是对“记忆”及其与发明和创造性想象的关系的新理解,并且深受哲学家阿兰巴迪欧作品的启发。从悉尼双年展到亚斯林克巡回展览'合流'等,他都在国际上展示他的创意性研究成果。最近,他的一个实验性图形研究成为了波兰凯尔采大型个展的主题。
Donal is the new HOD of Art & Communications at the University of Huddersfield he was most recently Deputy Director of Queensland College of Art, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia. He has held many senior academic positions in both Australia and New Zealand, including head of schools and departments. He was an investigator on the ARC funded research project ‘Creative Tropical Cities” national mapping project and served as head of visual arts in the construction of Australia’s first Creative Industries Faculty at QUT. He presently holds three Visiting Professorships at the Universities of Jinan and Shandong in China and the National University of the Arts, Bucharest in Romania.
He is a practicing visual artist and writer who holds a Masters Degree in Fine Art, an Honours degree in Philosophy and a PhD. He has worked in collaboration as an artist, illustrator and creative writer on special projects for film, advertising and publication. He was the art critic for the national daily newspaper The West Australian. His creative visual research is concerned with developing a new understanding of ‘memory’ and its relationship to invention and the creative imagination and is deeply informed by the work of the philosopher Alain Badiou. He has exhibited his creative research internationally at exhibitions ranging from the Sydney Biennale to the Asialink travelling exhibition ‘Confluence’. Most recently his experimental graphic investigations were the subject of a large solo exhibition at Kielce in Poland.
He has served on the boards of galleries and independent art spaces as well as refereed journals including the New Zealand Journal of Photography, Eyeline, and the Creative Arts Research Journal and on the conference committee of the Transdisciplinary Imaging International Conference.